We have a new website!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new website at SW Darkroom!

Boasting a fresh look and a user-friendly design, we're ushering in a new era of connecting with our photography community. We've been working hard to enhance our services, and this website aims to make your experience with us smoother, more intuitive, and effortlessly accessible with just a click.

A major highlight is our revamped booking system. Reserving your darkroom session or signing up for workshops is now more straightforward than ever. Furthermore, we're excited to introduce our Gift Cards and simplify our Membership options.

With our gift cards, you can gift a photographer friend a half-day or full-day printing session. Our memberships include a regular user option, offering a 20% discount on all printing bookings, and a free student membership (proof of student status required by email) valid until the end of your studies.

We're also hard at work improving our development and scanning system. Very shortly, we'll be sharing big news about this that will make our services faster and more reliable. Stay tuned! Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear about it, as well as our special workshops and offers.

See you soon!

SW Team


Our New Colour Development Machine!